Sept 2019 - Dec 2019 Residência Artística FAAP (Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado)
Coordinator: Prof. Marcos Moraes
São Paulo, Brazil
Coordinator: Prof. Marcos Moraes
São Paulo, Brazil
SP Urbanogram, 2019
Site specific installation (visual and sound)
Spatial dimensions: 5x10x3m
This site specific installation is a record of the brain process, of various data gathered through observation while exploring the megacity of Sao Paulo, where the subject becomes eyewitness of problems resulted by huge urbanization. The key tenet of this dystopia related project has been the perceived relation between built environment and human activity, in levels of social, political, economical and urban and even climate change issues. One can obviously witness major problems that emerge and prevail, such as homelessness, poverty, social inequalities, drug trafficking and consuming. This work as a whole presents an unfolding of a palimpsest into abstract “layers” that encompass information on the interaction of man and the space he lives in.
Epithelium, 2019
Duration: 1min 39sec
Epithelium is a video that reflects the hopeless struggle of a naked person to fight against his existential agony. While owing nothing at all and confronting the basic problems of feeding and housing, he is seeking for a shelter within a dehydrated epithelium of an amniotic sac, having as a strong memory and reminiscing about the secure environment he was growing in as an embryo before his birth.